Style Mistakes To Be Avoided By Short Men

by Editor

Genetics is a silly thing and really messes up with our life. But we cannot control our genes, but we can change the way we handle it. Being short is usually very embarrassing for a guy. Just to clarify, there is nothing to be embarrassed about it. You just see the world from a different perspective. And you are closer to the earth (literally). So, here are a few pointers which can help you ace your fashion game. Don’t let short height fool you.

Lose is Loss

Wearing loses clothing gives an inflatable look to a short person. Visually a short person looks even shorter in lose clothing. It is suggested that short people should wear well-fitting clothes.

Don’t Mix Colors

Mixing different colors for upper and lower body attires breaks your proportion. And this makes you look even shorter. Thus you must try to wear simpler colors and mix only similar shades.

Avoid Full Sleeves

Full sleeves cover up your major proportions and make you look shorter. Always go for short-sleeved shirts or you can also fold up your long sleeves.

Accessorize Less

Keep accessories to a minimum. Loading up yourself with hats, bracelets, bags just cover you up. Keep it to a minimum and you will look much more impactful.

Avoid Backpacks

You are not in school anymore, so please avoid backpacks. Those are heavy and bulky and hides your personality. Instead use messenger bags, which look lighter and does not mess with your appearance.


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