
7 Signs Of Unhealthy Body That You Are Ignoring

Unhealthy doesn’t really mean that you must have cancer, a heart attack, a stroke, or put on dialysis. Such health crises will wake you up lickety-split and hopefully motivate you to make health and lifestyle changes aimed at bringing your body back into balance. Fun fact is that our bodies give us warning signs of depleting health long before we get bedridden with potentially life-threatening diseases. Our bodies whisper to us, and when we ignore whispers, the bodies start screaming.

How can you tell if your body is warning you? Here are some signs.

Apple-Shaped body

This is caused due to excess weight. Pear-shaped bodies are those which carry the excess weight around their thigh and hips. Apple-shaped people are those who carry their extra weight around the waist and belly. Although being overweight is one of the body’s whispers of poor health but apple-shaped bodies are at higher risk of heart disease than pear-shaped people.

unhealthy body

Dark Yellow Urine

It is very important to stay hydrated. The dehydrated body usually released dark yellow urine, while, healthier bodies have light yellow, almost colorless urine. Caffeinated or alcoholic beverages are dehydrating. And sodas are full of chemicals, so when thirsty, go for water or natural juice or herbal tea.


Snoring is early sign sleep apnea. It is a sleep disorder characterized by obstruction in the airways that can increase your risk of pulmonary hypertension and in a probability of heart failure later on.



Body Itch

Itchy skin may be just allergies or some other benign skin disorder, but if your skin is itching for longer duration it may a sign from your body when you’re suffering from liver disease.

Sleep Deprivation

The stress hormone called cortisol drops at night which allows the body to rest and recharge. When you suffer from insomnia, it is mostly because your cortisol levels are at peak at night as a result of too many “fight-or-flight” stress responses in your body. Which is not a healthy thing. Try calming yourself with some yoga or meditation.


Tired Body

Being tired after a long day is normal, everyone faces that. But if you are feeling tired all the time, that is not healthy. You could be tired because your thyroid isn’t functioning properly, your adrenal glands are burned out, or your body is exhausted from expending all your resources trying to protect you from the toxic overload. Toxins coming processed foods, cigarettes, alcohol, or environmental exposures, are tough to tackle by the body.

Anxious Feeling

Anxiety is common nowadays and can start as a feeling in your mind which can later on translate into the physiology of your body. This makes you prone to heart problems. But sometimes anxious feelings can also be a result of sex hormone imbalances, hyperthyroidism, adrenal tumors, and more.

anxiety body

Check this YouTube Video For More:

How many of these signs do you have? Or does anyone you know is suffering? Share with us!