
Guide to Barbell workouts for the full body

Workouts can be done using different pieces of equipment and dumbbells and barbells. However, a lot of us always get more inclined towards the machines and dumbbells. Interesting enough, full-body barbell workouts have started to become popular. Barbells are one such equipment at the gym which can be used for a number of workouts that target each body part. Furthermore, all barbell workouts we do become a compound movement because of the support and strength needed to use it. Let’s take a lot at various exercises that can be done with just a barbell and a few sets of weight plates.

Barbell Workouts For Push Day:

Lying bench press.
Incline bench press.
Lying barbell pullover.
Skull crushers.
Standing overhead tricep extension.
Military press.
Barbell front raise.
Barbell upright rows.

Barbell Workouts For Pull Day:

Barbell row.
Rack pulls.
Barbell bicep curls.
Reverse grip barbell curls.
Barbell concentration curl.
Barbell Wrist curls.
Behind-the-back barbell wrist curls.

Barbell Workouts For Leg Day:

Squats (front and back).
Barbell lunges.
Good morning hamstrings.
Stiff leg deadlift.
Standing barbell calf raises.

The above three lists provide you with all the exercises that can be done when doing full-body barbell workouts. You can pick and choose the exercises and you like and then comprise them together.

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Sets And Reps:

Usually, sets and reps are a personal choice but if you’re looking for a general idea then for 4 sets of 12 reps. As you increase the weight, the number of reps decreases. On top of that, you can do drop sets, pyramid sets, supersets, etc. When it comes to full-body barbell workouts one precaution to be taken is form. Your form for each exercise you do, make sure your form is correct, especially with deadlifts. There’s a greater chance of you suffering injuries when it comes to barbells.

Resting Period:

Again, like sets and reps, this is a personal choice. However, usually, individuals take around 60 to 90 seconds rest between sets depending on the weight used. You can adjust the resting period with the workout you are doing. For example, you will need more rest between two squat sets as compared to two barbell curl sets. Also, always remember that resting enough is important so the next set you do is as effective as the first one. It is important to give your muscles the time to recharge between sets. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

Why Do Full Body Barbell Workouts?

You do not need to perform full-body barbell workouts every single day. The point of certain full-body workouts is to break out of the routine you are following. In other words, it is a way to avoid your muscles from getting used to one type of workout. You can perform this workout once every fortnight. Do ensure you get a rest day before this workout otherwise you end up training the same body part twice within 24 hours. Breaking out of a routine gives your body the change it needs to keep the progress going. These workouts are especially helpful if you have hit a plateau. Along with changing your diet if you adjust your workout too, then you will be able to break the plateau as well.

P.S. Always stretch before doing any heavyweight exercise!