
Encounter Of 4, Warning To Millions: Hyderabad Rape Case

A young veterinarian Priyanka Reddy was gang-raped and murdered by four men near Shamshabad on the outskirts of Hyderabad on the night of November 27. They did not stop there, they went ahead and dumped the body under a Passover bridge and set it on fire. A young vet, who could give back to the society, and the innocent animals, burned and turned into ashes, without any fault. Immediate nationwide outrage happened for the Hyderabad Gang Rape and Murder.

Priyanka Reddy Rape Case

Hyderabad police arrested all four accused on November 29. Two truck drivers and two cleaners. According to police, they trapped the victim by deflating the tyre of her scooter and committed the heinous crime when she reached a toll gate to pick her parked vehicle and return home.

The gruesome crime triggered nation-wide outrage with people from all walks of life demanding the death penalty for the guilty.

These kinds of acts are only seen in movies until now, the latest one being Simbaa. Looks so unreal in real life that a policeman would go out of his duty to bring justice to a rape victim. But as people say, necessity is the mother of invention. The latest turn of events in the case was just that.

rapists killed in encounter

The dramatic turn of events

This morning, India woke up to the news that the four men with the Hyderabad Gang Rape and Murder accusations met an encounter, by the Telangana Police. India or should I say, the internet is clashing with opposite viewpoints. Not everyone is happy with this. Some people are calling this event a mob lynching by police, some are saying it is against humanitarian rights. Some are saying that the police are showing power only over the weaker section. Really?

Well, the reaction of people depends upon their thought process. You can not make everyone happy and one should not even try that. In cases like these, if the police do something, the Human Rights organizations and whatnot keep haunting them. And if they don’t, the general public is after them.

However, these men are mature enough to commit rape, kill someone and burn their bodies, irrespective of what their current age is. Just hink about what kind of human being will they become. And what value addition will they add to the society? That being said, I am not sure whether the encounter was Real or Fake. But I am happy with the fact that those 4 rapists do not exist on earth. That saved a lot of money, effort and time for the police and our judicial system. Also, this sends a very strong message to the people that no matter what caste, age, belief system, the societal status you belong to,

Justice prevails all.