
Online Dating TIPS for Getting the SWIPES and MATCHES!

Social Media has officially become an indispensable part of our lives. We rely on the Internet to get to us; clothing, supplies, food, career opportunities, networking circles, grooming and personal care to virtual health care professionals and now, setting us up with our perfect match too! So, let’s dig into online dating.

The World Of Online Dating!

Online Dating is a world of its own, laid down with some basic unsaid rules. A great opportunity to find your soul mate, as proven by statistics, the virtual dating sites can be pretty daunting as well, I mean its genuinely over-populated.

But to help you set yourself aside, as a Great Catch/Swipe/Super Like, Let’s walk you down the first and most important level to conquer, The Profile.

Your Profile sets your whole vibe, right from your chances to be matched with up to the wavelength of how the conversations hit off, all your chances lie with your Dating Profile.

Here are Our 3 tips how You can take your Profile Way More Likeable-


Personally, if you get all over the place when it comes to writing down about your own self and hit an existential crisis, not knowing who you are like, what is likable about you and how much of yourself should you put out there, Call on your mate. Friends sometimes know you better than you know about yourself and can do a pretty good job at helping structure and figure what should go on your profile. Put stuff about you that is, You! Don’t lie or conceit because that wears off quick. Do not sound, arrogant, negative or too full of yourself. Giving away irrelevant or way too much information is also a No-No. Think of how you would want to be seen as and treated and stay true to yourself.


Profile photos are the first filter when it comes to online dating and gets you out of the heard almost instantly. As visual creatures we all know a good photo when we see one, hence it is of extreme importance to be able to take and pick a great shot that reflects you. For females often complaint to each other all the time of  “This is an old picture and not very clear but he’s cuter in person, I swear” do them and yourself a favor:
Pick recent pictures of yourself, you don’t want your date to double-check when she actually sees you for another version of you;
Pictures where you are in the focal point and clear vision, make sure you are visible enough, this isn’t a spot me if you can game!

Action photos, we can’t lie but action photos of men on the guitar, playing with dogs or at the beach get more liked over still photos. Women mind..
Do not over-edit your photo, yes! Men are guilty of this too!
Smile! Females are said to swipe and like photos of men who are cheerful, seemingly happy. Unless you can do the sexy brooding, don’t mess it for grumpy!


What goes on your profile is low-key as important as what goes on your CV, no kidding. Key to a good profile is,
Be specific, about who you are, generic bios of, Likes to Watch Movies or Likes to Eat, Likes Music, are not getting you anywhere, definitely not to your date surely.

Bio Tricks For Online Dating:

Take more efforts to structure a bio that sounds and represents you like,

‘Fan of literature, collector of all things antique and mystical, cook food with ingredients most don’t know of. Jamming endlessly still to Backstreet Boys. Sleeping past noon on the weekends till my maid turns off the fans.  Always having my coffee strong but with no milk”.

Make your Bio, conversational. Include topics that can earn a talking point, instead of a ‘Hey, What’s Up’,. An opening line with something more concrete have higher chances to get a quicker reply and longer retained interest.

Update! Keeping your bio updated and relevant is very important.
Grammar can piss off someone when used incorrectly and flatter a Nazi in your favor. Make sure to remember your grammar basics always!