
Quick Workout Routines For All Your Body-parts!

Workouts are time consuming if you want to get pumped and look big! However, sometimes there’s not enough time to actually spend 1-1.5 hours. So! We compiled a great list of workouts for each body part that can be done within 12-minutes. Therefore, even if you have half an hour, you have ample time to hit a 15 minute cardio session paired with quick workout routines!

The primary focus when trying to grow muscles should be on progressive overload. One form of the same is stress. Your muscles can be put under stress using heavy weights or using a combination of exercises that hit the muscle groups from different angles. Here we focus on putting our muscles under stress using a series of exercises, forming one giant superset.

Each of the mentioned exercises in the superset is to be performed back to back without any rest. Once you have completed the superset, take a minute’s rest. Repeat this thrice.

Chest Workout

Incline dumbbell press

Dumbbell pullovers

Decline dumbbell flys

Now, the upper chest makes up most of it and is usually the weakest. Due to that the workout starts with an incline dumbbell press. At this point, you can use a heavy weight.

The dumbbell pullover helps with hitting the chest from an angle which flys and pressing movements can’t. The stretch from dumbbell pullovers create pressure on the cartilage which in turn helps in giving the broad look for the upper body.

Finally, the decline dumbbell flys help in hitting the lower chest. In this exercise, use a partial range of motion with a light weight. This way you keep stress on your chest muscles at all times.

Back Workout

Lat pulldown

Double arm dumbbell row contractions

Flat bar pullover

Kick off the back workout with a simple lat pulldown. Not only does this exercise give you muscles a good stretch but also works on giving your back the wide structure. It is recommended you go slightly heavy on this but if you use light weights then aim for a higher rep range.

With dumbbell row contractions, when you pull back the dumbbells in a rowing position, hold that position for about a second. This really helps in squeezing the muscles and to pop your back muscles, the squeeze is important.

Quick workout routines are incomplete without a finisher. The flat bar pullover essentially helps in working the smaller muscles that make up our back. It’s important to activate them and burn them out to ensure you’re hitting every part of your back.

Bicep Workout

Bodyweight bicep pullup

Dumbbell bicep curls

Rope hammer curl

A bodyweight bicep pullup is truly helpful if you want to grow the bicep peak. Try to keep your body straight so your biceps do the work and not your back. Additionally, it is always recommended you do bodyweight exercises to keep your mobility.

Dumbbell bicep curls really helps in hitting the long head of the biceps muscles. To make it more effective, you can slightly turn your wrist with your little finger towards the ceiling at the top of the motion before going back to the starting position. This way you can add additional stress to the muscle.

Hammer curls are a great exercise to hit the short head of the biceps. However, when you pull the rope up, pull it outwards as well to put some pressure on the long head as well.

Tricep Workout

Flat bar pushdown

Rope pushout

Bodyweight dips

The flat bar pushdown is a conventional exercise that really gets included in all tricep workouts. For this, if you lean slightly forward then you’ll be able to push heavier weights and put more stress on the muscles.

Pushouts aren’t as frequently seen as they should be. Tricep pushouts pull the elbow back and that puts enormous pressure on the long heads. The long head of the muscles make the tricep look complete. If you want to add mass, make sure you work the long head.

Bodyweight dips are a good way to finish the set. You don’t need to burn your muscles but make sure you give them a good stretch and you dip to a proper level for the stress.

Shoulder Workout

Dumbbell shoulder press

Lateral raise

Standing military press

The dumbbell shoulder press works the anterior deltoid. For this use a partial range of motion so you don’t move the stress from your shoulders to your elbows at the end of each rep.

Lateral raise works the lateral head as suggested by the name. You can go heavy on this but choose the weights that allow you to do the full range of motion.

The standing military press is a compound exercise so if you feel exhausted, use a smith machine. The military press promotes growth all around helping shoulder get the boulder look.

Leg Workout


Dumbbell straight leg deadlift

Leg press: feet close together and feet wide apart

Squats are the king of leg exercises. Primarily squats work your quads but they do work your glutes as well. Start off with a lighter weight and keep increasing as you move forward. Make sure you don’t overdo with the weight or else you’re at risk of injuring yourself.

Straight leg deadlifts put enough stress on the hamstrings to burn them out. The reason it is with dumbbells because the transition is easier from squats. However, if you want to use a barbell, go for it.

Finally, the close feet leg press works the quads and glutes while the wide feet works the hamstrings. Here, keep a light weight and do each feet position for 12-15 reps.

If you have time after the 3 supersets then perform a quick calf workout to make sure you’ve hit all parts of your lower body.

There you have it. Quick workout routines for all of your body parts!