
Make Running fun with these 5 strategies

The thought of going for a round of running at the crack of dawn can bring our spirits down. If we round up all the people who have to drag themselves out of bed, we would become a big club. The point of running in the morning is to get the blood running around and ya getting ready for a whole day’s work. However, when the thought of it demotivates you, we think we can help. Here are five strategies that you can use to make your routine of running fun.

Find What You Like

Not all of us like to run on the treadmill or run around the park. You need to find your flow before you start your running. The best way to find that is by giving everything a shot and then sticking to the one you like best. You can like running up a rocky path or you might enjoy taking laps of a playground. The reason you should find your flow is to make it interesting for you. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, it’ll never have your full effort. Therefore, find what works for you and you’ll be motivated enough to get up at dawn!

Sort Out Your Playlist

Let’s get this out in the open that not all of us think rock and roll is the best music for a workout. Therefore, before you plug in your earphones with a playlist of YouTube rock and roll, ask yourself: what music do I like? Make yourself a playlist based on that. You have to understand that when you go running, it’s your personal time. So, stop worrying about how your playlist isn’t filled with loud music. Make a playlist that suits you and go for that run!

Start Off Slow

Remember it’s called running and not sprinting. You do not have to run at the fastest speed possible and tire yourself out within the first ten seconds. Furthermore, you want to make sure you keep your heart rate moderate and not let it go too high. The aim is to finish the entire run and not give up mid-way. Essentially what you can do is start off slow and then pick up your pace.

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Get Yourself A Running Buddy

Sometimes running alone can become boring and other times we just become demotivated. However, if you get a buddy or a friend who experiences the same low you, just pair up! When you go for a run together with your friend, it’s an excellent way to keep each other motivated throughout the run. Also, if you take small breaks in between, there’s always someone who will motivate you to start it back again!

Know When To Stop

One of the best excuses to stop going for a run is remembering a bad experience from before. Therefore, if you feel that your body needs some rest, then don’t go for a run. Instead, try going for a walk. A walk can keep you healthy as well. The fresh air will always come in handy the days you feel out of tune. In fact, you should replace your running with a walk once a week to give your body and your mind the space to recharge!

Implement the above strategies along with a morning routine or yoga or meditation for healthy changes. You will notice yourself becoming fitter, healthier, and more energetic throughout the day! So what say lads, ready for your run?