
Alcohol Calories And Diet: Staying On Track

Going out and having fun is a part of life. Whether it’s a Friday night out or a date night, most of the alcohol becomes a part of that night. Now the question becomes: How to track alcohol calories or how to track your alcohol macros? Or another frequently asked question is: How to stay on track while drinking? We’ve got a few solid tips for you that you can follow if you want to stay on track during an evening/night of drinking. 

limit alcohol calories with water

Tracking Your Alcohol:

Every shot (30ml) of alcohol you have is roughly 100 calories. You can track these calories as either carbs or fat. If you want to track them as carbs then divide the calories by 4 which gives you 25gms of carbs for every 100 calories. If you want to track them as far then divide the calories by 11 which gives you 9gms per 100 calories. Whether it’s beer, whiskey, vodka, or tequila you can apply this rule. 

Stick To Straight Alcohol:

While cocktails are a lot of fun, if you want to stay on track then you need to minimize your calorie intake. Sticking to neat alcohol or even if you mix you drink use soda water, normal water, sugar-free energy drinks such as sugar-free Redbull or Monster Energy. Cocktails have fillers that will increase your calorie intake and that is what you want to avoid. 

alcohol calories from whiskey

Cut Down Carbs And Fat:

When you know you’re going to be drinking later in the day, the best way to approach it would be cutting down on macros earlier in the day. Fill yourself with veggies and protein and cut down on carbs and fat. Use volume and drink water. This will leave you with room for the calories you consume from the alcohol. 

Salad bowl with different items

Stay Hydrated:

Even when you’re drinking, make sure you’re constantly having water. It’s important to dilute your alcohol. Hydration is an important focus on any given day and it’s especially a focus point when it’s about drinking alcohol. 

Man drinking water at beach

Avoid Fast Food Calories Afterwards:

We all fall down the wagon when it comes to eating after drinking. 99% of the time we go for fast food such as burgers or hotdogs. But if you really want to stick to your diet then it’s absolutely essential that you avoid these food items. Always have something healthy prepared at home so you can dive into that when you return home. This way you can track the calories too. 

No fast food PNG

Limit Yourself With Alcohol Calories:

Start saying no to shots and pegs after a point. You can start doing that by replacing them with energy drinks or water. This way you’ll be able to make sure you stay hydrated and you will be consuming much fewer calories. This will help you in staying on track. Another way to approach this would be to have your drinks slower or have them neat. The more time you spend on one drink, the lesser drinks you’ll have by the time the night ends. 

There’s no rule that you cannot have fun when you’re on a diet. In fact, it’s not possible to not go out with your friends. But being smart about it is the main priority. Tracking your alcohol calories is simple and you just need to implement it. Fitness is not all about being strict, it’s also about adjusting your macros. The tips given above about being on track while on consuming alcohol are not complex. It doesn’t require hardcore planning. It does require a certain amount of commitment. There are other harmful healthy habits you just know!

Half filled whiskey glass

So cheers to your tequila shots men, make sure you have all the fun!