
SURYA NAMASKAR: The Top 10 Benefits

Is Surya Namaskar one of the things you do after waking up?

Earlier, it was our wife, kids or parents but now it’s a Mobile Phone. We check for Whatsapp messages, E-mails, Facebook, Instagram, and whatnot. Following this, we plug in our mobile phones to ensure they are at a 100% charge before we head out to work. Same way, we need to charge our body and mind as well failing which we will not be able to give our 100% to work, family or anything we do.

The Big Problem!

Now, the question can be, I don’t have time to do so many exercises. Is there some exercise I can do that can help me get the benefits of multiple exercises. The answer is Yes, we do and its called SURYA NAMASKAR (SUN SALUTATION).

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is considered to be an ancient way of expressing our gratitude towards the SUN, which is considered to be a source of life. There are 12 different postures that complete the movement. Furthermore, the 12 asanas of the Sun Salutation are designed to synchronize the physical cycle with the solar cycle. As a result, this maintains a level of vibrancy, readiness, receptivity, helping us manifest a body and spirit that work as stepping stones to higher possibilities.

10 benefits of doing SURYA NAMASKAR:

Healthy Lower Body:

The first and last pose of Surya Namaskar, the Pranamasana (Prayer pose) works on the lower body. It effectively strengthens the legs, ankles, and feet. The pose firms the hips relieves sciatica and reduces flat feet. In Pranamasana, the hands are folded in the Namaste position close to the heart. Scientifically, the folding of hands together connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Magnifies the Blood Circulation:

The active inhalation and exhalation process throughout the Sun salutation series keeps the blood oxygenated and lungs ventilated. The optimal flow of fresh blood in the body is a great way to detox the body making it free from toxic elements and carbon dioxide.

Natural Weight Loss:

If we practice the Surya Namaskar Series regularly and at a fast pace, it helps in stretching the abdominal muscles. As a result, we reduce weight around the stomach area. The asanas tone the abs and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Glowing Skin and Luscious Hair:

The Sun Salutation incorporates diverse yoga asanas that enhance the supply of blood and oxygen to these regions helping you savor a youthful glow and long-healthy mane even during old age.

Calming Properties:

The performance of yoga postures has a calming effect on the brain. However, the specific poses of Surya Namaskar like downward dog, cobra pose gently stimulate the nerves, reduces anxiety, and fortify the nervous system that promotes positivity.

Enhances Fitness and Flexibility:

The Surya Namaskar is a comprehensive workout that benefits the entire body. The diverse 12 postures stretch, strengthen, and boost fitness levels of the body. The Ashtanga Namaskar works on the joints of wrists, the forward fold extends the limbs and makes the spine supple, and so much more.

Activating the Heart Chakra:

In the prayer pose, the hands are joined together in front of the heart center.  According to Yogic traditions, this mudra activates the heart chakra and encourages the lotus heart to open up with awareness.

Here is how to do the Surya Namaskar

A Remedy for Blood Pressure and Heart Problems:

Surya Namaskar is a natural remedy for blood pressure. The Surya Namaskar benefits the heart muscles and corrects irregular heartbeats. Additionally, the practice also keeps sugar levels in control and keeps the heart problems at bay.

Keeps The Gut Happy:

When we do alternate stretching and we apply compression to our abdominal organs in the Sun Salutation Series, the digestive fire gets activated. This, in turn, helps get rid of constipation and other stomach problems. A happy and healthy gut is one of the most regarded health benefits of Surya Namaskar.

Helps Maintain High Spirits:

With the practice of Surya Namaskar enhance the health of your body, mind, and soul. It is one of the best ways to keep the body free from diseases and to lead a life of youthfulness, vigor, and positivity.

Give yourself 15-30 mins every day and enjoy the everlasting benefits of a fit body and mind.