
The Witcher : Netflix’s Answer To Game Of Thrones

No, this show is not a sequel/prequel or any way related to Game of Thrones. But, if you miss the show and want something of a similar vibe, The Witcher is a perfect one.

There are horses, warriors, and wars, castles, and swords. So similar yet so different from any fantasy show you’ve ever watched.

Season 1 of The Witcher is an original adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski‘s fantasy epic with a massive Netflix-sized budget. It created a huge ripple on the internet with its trailer, and the hype is real.

the witcher

The Witcher is horrifying at times, cute and sweet at others. It’s funny often, with restrained comic timing. It’s got adult scenes, like, a lot. It is almost an anthology, where we follow our lead character Geralt between villages and castles as he takes on dirty jobs for dirty people from every class and background.

The Witcher’s world is a cynical one, propped on a history of brutal colonization. It features endless wars and magic that is literally chaos in itself turning into submission. It’s where monsters are often more sympathetic than humans, products of abuse and random cosmic misfires rather than inherently evil morality figures. Here, fairytales end with everyone dying before the big lesson hits.

the witcher

Not to forget the amazing actor who plays the part, Henry Cavil. You must remember him as Superman from Batman vs Superman: Justice League. The Witcher, however, features him with a completely different look. He rocks a flowing silver mane, square jaw, and shoulders like castle battlements. Cavil delivers a charismatic performance. He is perfect as Geralt. This guy is as limber and graceful you’d want, whipping those swords around like a seasoned monster hunter.

Happy Binge watching during the festive season.