
What Do Men Expect In A Relationship


Many would admit that it is very hard to read men, but if you pay enough attention, men are no mystery. Though it remains a question for all of us that what do men expect in a relationship. Some of us are blinded by a misconception that for most men physical relationship matters more than an emotional one, but there are many layers of them than one would imagine.

If a man truly loves you then there’s literally no one who will make you feel more special in your life. Men treat the woman that they love with unconditional love and utmost respect. They treat their woman like a queen and they are even willing to put the needs of their partner before their own for the sake of love. But sometimes they also do some unpredictable things that put us in a place where we wonder whether we matter to them or not. Well, here are the answers to all your questions.



In this article, we are going to discuss what men expect from a woman in a relationship. So ladies take note because it is your responsibility too to treat him like a King.

1. Appreciation

Though it is a known fact that men have tender egos but sometimes all they are looking for is appreciation and praise. They wouldn’t mind going an extra mile for their love if they get praised for it, not that they do it for credit but a little appreciation doesn’t hurt anyone and also it will make their efforts worth it if it ends up in putting a smile on your face.
It is human nature that we get encouragement after we get praised. And if you shower them with love after they have done
something good for you then they will be ready to do anything for you.

2. Respect

Respect him. Respect his decisions, Respect his family, friends and more importantly respect his love towards you. If you do not make him feel respected in a relationship then he may have a hard time trusting you. Man who truly loves you want to make you a part of everything that is related to him, but if you made him feel like he can not share things with you just because you will make him feel bad about it, then your relationship will automatically be on a way of destruction.

3. Physical Intimacy

Physical Intimacy is not just a need for men but they are a need of all humans. People like to label men as addicted to sexual intimacy just because they are more expressive about it. But the thing to note is, it is their way to feel wanted in a relationship. That means if you reject him every time whenever he tries to embrace you then he may feel unwanted and rejected. It is also their way to feel connected to their partner.

We are not saying you should step out of your comfort zone to please him, but instead of immediately rejecting him you should talk it out and I am sure you will develop a mutual understanding about it.

4. Personal Space

Men are very concerned about getting their space and which is only fair, your love shouldn’t be suffocating for them. Although many women would beg to differ, but it is a known fact that men instantly get repelled by clingy women. Just give him a little space if he is enjoying with his friends or is going on a boys night out and that is all they ask for. Women have a hard time understanding this concept because they are okay with involving their man in everything they do. But as partners in a relationship, you both be able to come halfway whenever a dispute arises.

5. Emotional Intimacy

Being emotionally available for your partner is a crucial part of a relationship. Men are known to be silent sufferers, they hesitate in sharing their problems with anyone. Just be his safe space to fall by nurturing him. Make him feel like it is okay for him to share anything with you and make sure you are there for him whenever he finds himself lost and depressed. Don’t ever make him feel bad for having feelings and be his comforter whenever he needs one. And that’s it.

Let us know what do you think 🙂