
CrossFit: The Rising Trend Of The Fitness Industry!


CrossFit is the newest trend in the fitness industry and has been rising like a skyscraper amongst both beginners and experienced. The first factor to know is that it’s an extremely well-built program that helps an individual either gain strength or lose weight. The first reaction usually is: But isn’t that what gym programs do as well? True! However, there lies a significant difference between the two workouts!


power lifting movement

What Exactly Is CrossFit?

It is a combination of functional movements that include aspects of both fitness and sports. Next, it selects the best exercises from these categories, especially the ones that relate the most to daily life, and combines them together. A proper routine will include cardio, heavy lifting, and exercises that target improving flexibility and mobility.

What Does CrossFit Consist Of?

We have already mentioned the type of exercises or movements a routine consists of. Here we tell you the various sections that an entire routine is divided into. A proper CrossFit routine is usually divided into three sections: warm-up, workout of the day (WOD), and cool down.


deadlift movements for crossfit


The warm-up is essential because it helps in preparing your joints for the movements and the rigorous workout that will follow. The WOD can either target strength or fat loss or skill and this varies between sessions and individuals. Whichever type is selected, the exercises cater more towards those goals. If it is strength you will find more heavy lifts. If it is skill or endurance, you will observe a greater number of sets and reps than weights. Finally, the cooldown gets your heart-rate back to normal and lets your body come back to its stable condition.

What Are The Benefits Of CrossFit?

The two most spoken about benefits are accelerated weight loss and improvement of aerobic fitness. However, these programs have additional benefits which need to be highlighted:

  • There is a great deal of improvement in strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, etc.
  • These programs can be done by people of all ages with any level of experience.
  • The programs can be manipulated according to goals and the age of the person.
  • These programs provide varieties which play a crucial factor.


workouts for power

Workout Of The Day (WOD):

This term originated with CrossFit routines. WOD means exactly what it looks like: The workout routine to be performed on that day. This is because programs like these have routines that change every day. This is because each routine targets various aspects of fitness. For example, one routine can be dedicated to strength. The exercises will include heavy lifts and lower reps. But on the other hand, the target for the next day can be to build on endurance. You will notice the routine becomes more aligned towards AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible).

The WOD will not be the same two different institutions holding CrossFit sessions. If you are trying out CrossFit for the first time then you can use the beginner routines from the internet. Most routines contain exercises that are targeted and will help you in understanding the basic factors.


kettlebell swing


The ultimate point here is that CrossFit can be done by anybody. You do not need prior experience for these programs. Obviously, it is highly recommended you start off slow. There is no point carrying your ego inside the gym because this is how people end up injuring themselves.